17 members, 4 vehicles, 10 hours, 10 live fire scenarios, and tons of knowledge passed around! This years Undercliff VFC burn day was a huge success!
This past Saturday (10/29/22) your Undercliff firefighters spent their day drilling on structure fire evolutions under live fire to better serve their community. Crews drilled on various scenarios from residential fires to mid rise standpipe operations under live fire conditions. It was an awesome day to see everyone jumping in, working hard, and learning! At the end of the day everyone was tired and exhausted but left feeling more confident in their abilities. Thanks to all our members for giving up the day to better themselves and the station! Big thanks to instructor team and ignition team for making this day possible!
We would also like to thank Berkeley Hills Fire Company, Station 247 for watching over the district while we were out training!
Big yhanks to 9-1-1 Response Photography for coming out to capture the day!