Undercliff VFC History Series - #4

On this week's edition of the History of Undercliff VFC, we'll talk about the era between 1970 and 1998! We like to call this the "Era of the Macks" or "The Doghouse Days!" Let's jump into it!

As Undercliff VFC moved into the 1970's, Shaler Township was continuing to expand and so was Undercliff's membership. There became a need for an additional vehicle to transport personnel to emergency calls. As such, a 1971 Ford van was purchased as a personnel carrier to get more help on scene. A few years later in 1974, the 1955 International Pumper was replaced with a 1973 Mack R600 Pumper. This engine was a workhorse and would service Undercliff faithfully into the 90s. In 1978, Undercliff and it's members decided it was time to replace the current 1960 ladder truck with a safer and more modern ladder truck. The members decided the vehicle to replace the International ladder truck would be a 1978 75 Ft. Mack CF Aerialscope. This truck would become an icon for Undercliff VFC and see many fires throughout it's lifetime. It would also cement Undercliff's place in the area as a tower ladder company.

As the 1980s came around, a 1983 Ford Van was purchased to replace the old 1971 Ford van. This was the only apparatus purchased during the 1980s. However as Undercliff entered into the 1990s, our members saw yet another chance to innovate and expand the company's capabilities. So in 1991 a Mack MR/Saulsbury Special Operations Vehicle (SOV) was purchased to replace the 1966 International squad. This vehicle was the first of it's kind in the area and was another Undercliff first! It was outfitted to serve as a mobile command post and also a back up to the old Shaler Dispatch in the event the dispatch center would go down. The vehicle also had a mobile cascade system to fill air bottles and multiple light towers for scene lighting. While waiting for the new SOV to come in, a late 1970s Dodge van was purchased to use in the interim as a personnel carrier.

Later on in the late 1990s, the 1973 Mack R-Model was sold due to growing safety concerns with members riding tailboard. The Mack R-Model was replaced with a 1978 Mack CF Pumper purchased from Cherry City VFC. A little fun fact is this Mack CF Pumper and our Mack CF Aerialscope actually came down the assembly line together at the Mack factory and were only 1 or 2 serial numbers off from each other! Following the Mack CF pumper purchase, the Mack Aerialscope was sent out for a complete refurbishment in 1998. This included adding additional compartment space, an automatic transmission, better emergency lighting, and other safety upgrades to extend it's lifespan.

This was a very exciting time period in Undercliff VFC history. So much hard work and planning went into the purchase of all these vehicles. Each vehicle was carefully thought out with what would provide the best service possible to our residents and businesses. Firefighter safety has also always been top of mind when purchasing new apparatus and we take great pride in that. It's always so fun to look back and remember all our history! Be sure to join us next week as we talk about the transition into the millennium!